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Monday, July 13, 2009

I coulda died....

So.....I was electricuted today.....

How you ask......

I went to physical therapy today and they say "Lets do a water treatment."
So I say "OK"

I'm thinking this is like a whirl pool kinda thing and get kinda excited! So they bring a bucket over, not my idea of a whirl pool, but I stick my foot in. Then they take two suction cup looking things and put them on the sides of my calf's......so then I think OK, my calf is tight so this is going to massage it. But then the unthinkable happens! They take two wires and put them in the water! At this point my stomach turns and I freak out! I yell "your going to electricute me!!" At which point they laugh....I tell you this was the kinda laugh that scares small children! I then ask if The company decide it would be cheaper to kill me!

They tell me to calm down.....and just when I was about to BAMB!!! they turn the juice on! My foot is twitching and having its own litlle heartatach.....I thought it was going to turn colors or just fall off! Then they asked if I needed it turned up......I said NO!!

So the 10 minutes is over and I think "thank god I made it out alive".......but no, they turn it on for a another 10 minutes!!

So if you ever have to go to physical therapy and they say "Lets do a water treatment." Say NO!!

I would like to say that they have helped me so much and I guess it is all for the best.....

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